viernes, 1 de mayo de 2020

Camelot (1982) Guidebook Finished By Game's Author

Excited about the renewed interest in Camelot from my series of 2019 entries (beginning here), author Joshua Tabin has developed a 101-page guidebook to the game.
The book walks you through setting up a Cyber1 account so that you can play Camelot and other PLATO games. It includes a quick history of the PLATO series, with screenshots. The bulk of the manual is tips, tricks, and instructions for navigating the game, including the full text of the in-game manual; lists of monsters and equipment; and full maps of all 10 levels (there's still plenty for you to annotate). 

This is a great opportunity for any reader who's thought they'd like to try one of the PLATO games.


And one other random announcement while I have you: I finally updated my Dungeons of Avalon II summary entry to reflect what commenter LanHawk discovered about the game, plus the winning screenshots he was able to obtain after fixing the problem for himself.

Black Friday Sale And So Much More....

Black Friday Sale! Up to 60% off select items!
We dug pretty deep on our discounts for this sale, so much so we offered a special discount to our retail and wholesale partners.
Speaking of retail and wholesale partners; If you have not heard, we are now warehousing and distributing our own products. WOOT!
But that's not all…. Wait for it…. We are also stocking and distributing some legacy Wargames Factory products. For now, just the WWII line, both 15mm and 28mm scales but more is on the way.
Soooo much going on around here I am looking forward to the Thanksgiving holiday but dreading stepping away. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.
All the best!

domingo, 26 de abril de 2020

How To Insert Data Into Database | Tutorial 3

Welcome to my another tutorial of PHP and MYSQL. In the previous tutorial I've briefly discussed How to make a PHP file and How to save the PHP file in the root directory of the server. How to run PHP script over the Web Browser etc.

Now in this tutorial I've discussed about inserting data into database by getting the values from user with the help of HTML form. One thing should be remembered that getting a values from users by HTML form is the only way to get values from users in PHP.

How To Insert Data into Database

Step 1:

Open your text editor and create HTML form. 

Step 2:

Make a database connection in PHP.

Step 3:

Write an INSERT query for the sake of insertion data into database like INSERT INTO table_Name(table_Attribute1, table_Attribute2....) VALUES('1', 'Alex'...); etc. Now watch the video to make a better understanding the concept of insertion.